Detail Cantuman Kembali


Shipboard Fire

Shipboard Fire is a manual on merchant ship types including Passenger carrying ships of various classes that ply the waters of the high seas and the lakes and rivers of all of the navigable waters. Any and all persons who are yachtsmen or who would take passage on a Cruise ship or other Merchant Vessel would find the first four chapters of special interest as these chapters dwell on not only the ship types but also that of the ship's nomenclature (parts of the ship) and the language (names of the parts) used by the seamen on board. The manual also covers ship construction in that it explains the deck planning system and how to find ones way on board. The main emphasis of Shipboard Fire, however is directed toward the folks within the Department of Homeland Security and toward the Land based Firefighters and Emergency personnel who have Marine Facilities or Ports of Call within their areas of Jurisdiction or Response. Much of the manual does apply not only the larger ships that carry commercial goods and passengers but applies to all vessels or floating platforms down to the smallest boat, they have the same inherit problems as the big ones. The manual goes into detail on certain events that may occur on board a ship during an emergency or fire that describes the Machinery Room and equipment, Ship Stability problems to keep the ship upright, the firefighting plan, strategy and logistics. Fires on board ship require special attention and for the safety of the firefighter, this manual was written. Putting out a fire on a floating platform is a dangerous undertaking and its inherent problems are not experienced on shore side facilities. Sea Captains and Mates and Marine Terminal Operators would be interested in this manual, as it would help them understand the problems of the fire service and how their input would enhance the Firefighting or Rescue effort.
first edition
623.8886 Har s
Author House
xvii,209 hal,ilus,index,27 cm